Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Replace Fear of the Unknow with Curiosity.


Unknow source - Varanasi India


I am super excited as I am off on a huge adventure tomorrow! Me and some of my best friends are taking a ten day trip backpacking around to Morocco. We are visiting Marrakesh, Fez, Essaouira and taking a trip out into the desert where we have a camel ride at sun set followed by sleeping under the stars - I cannot wait!  Here are some lovely pictures for you all to get you in the traveling mood and inspire the spirit of adventure.

Monday, 28 March 2011

"I really just want to be warm yellow light that
pours over everyone I love."



Wednesday, 23 March 2011

"Her body calculated to a millimeter, to suggest 
a bud yet guarantee a flower."


Friday, 18 March 2011

Smile Over Spilt Milk

Chelsea Fisher is a wonderful photographer from Sea who combines the authenticity of film with the "convenience" of digital. the expert composition and focusing create simple but intriguing photographs. She expresses how the "patriotic blues and burnt reds in this stunning milk spill highlight the elegance of lost time - of bygone moments and fading aesthetics."

Chelsea calls her splash series "a really good excuse to make a big mess." She loves the aesthetic of coffee and tea cups and wanted to create a more dynamic image in her photographs of them. So, how did she get the milk to spill so enthusiastically? In this case, Chelsea borrowed a little ball from her daughter. She dropped it into the cup and simply clicked the shutter.

You can view more of her work on her website:

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A Spring In Your Step

Today's BEEEAUUUtiful spring weather makes me feel like this: